
This document provides the sustainability
and net zero policy for Hospital Direct (Marketing) Ltd

Policy number HD/NZ/01 Version 1
Author Philip Gutteridge BSc MREI Approver  Philip Gutteridge BSc MREI


We’re working towards a sustainable future. This policy outlines Hospital Direct (Marketing) Ltd approach to our ongoing efforts to reduce any environmental impact of our business activities and the activities of people and organisations that we come into contact with.

Hospital Direct (Marketing) Ltd recognises the need for businesses to take fully committed proactive action across the full range of environmental and sustainability issues.  To this end Hospital Direct (Marketing) Ltd decided to join Zellar’s sustainability platform. This platform helps:

  1. us to measure our current sustainability performance
  2. creates a plan with tangible and monitorable actions to deliver on our sustainability commitments.

Here is our Zellar profile:
Hospital Direct

ISO 14001 accreditation


  • Reduce our carbon emissions
  • Achieve Net Zero across our business by 2030
  • Offset our emissions from 2023 with actions already taken to offset emissions for 8 years at current rates of usage
  • Reduce our waste to landfill and water usage
  • Reduce our carbon emissions by 90+% by 2030
  • Increase high levels of education on renewable energy within the Company
  • Introduce a range of solar, wind and green energy storage devices
  • Introduce an increased range of sustainable/recycalable products
  • Introduce further measures to eliminate waste from packaging

Core achievements to-date

  • Calculated our carbon emissions for 2022/3 and identified core areas to improve
  • Calculated total emissions using internationally recognised principles at 1716 tonnes of CO2 (Includes Scopes 1, 2 & 3)
  • Offset our emissions from 2023 to 2118 by means of a tree planting programme that is scheduled to continue annually
  • Adopted packaging that is already 90% recycled/recyclable
  • Obtained qualifications in Hydrogen Energy and Renewable Energy Project Management
  • Obtained qualifications in solar photvoltaic, solar water heating and renewable energy storage
  • Installed sensor triggered LED lighting and hot water systems
  • Installed low water usage W/C facilities

Actions taken

Hospital Direct (Marketing) Ltd commits to minimising the impact on the environment through:

Reduce internal emissions

  • Invested in energy efficient green technologies to reduce our energy consumption via sensor triggered LED lighting and water heating
  • Using an electricity supplier that Zellar have confirmed is “deep green”, with 100% of its electricity procured and generated from the same renewable energy sources and that will accept renewable electricity back onto the grid
  • Reviewing an energy efficiency checklist monthly. This contains top actions that drive down our energy consumption
  • Appointed a Sustainability Champion who is responsible for the continual improvement of our sustainability performance

Empower suppliers & employees

  • Asking for the environmental policy of our suppliers. Changing those suppliers who do not show any awareness or commitment to sustainability.
  • Encouraging other businesses in our community and sector to take all actions that we have and are doing. Spread the sustainable word
  • Promoting customer and employee travel options that minimise their environmental impact. (Public transport and car sharing schemes)
  • Encouraging employees to walk or cycle to work with safe bike storage and showers on site
  • Providing a safe and healthy workplace environment for our employees.

Supporting projects

  • Investing in certified carbon offset projects in the UK or Internationally. This will reduce the carbon impact that we are not able to eliminate
  • Investing in biodiversity and environmental projects such as tree planting
  • Enabling our employees to become involved in volunteering projects, some of these to focus on biodiversity

Future actions to take

Hospital Direct (Marketing) Ltd commits to minimising the impact on the environment through:

Reduce internal emissions

  • Investing in energy efficient green technologies to reduce our energy consumption through solar photovoltaic systems, wind turbines and green energy storage systems
  • Using an electricity supplier that Zellar have confirmed is “deep green”, with 100% of electricity procured and generated from the same renewable energy sources
  • Reviewing an energy efficiency checklist monthly, this contains top actions that drive down our energy consumption
  • Appointing a Sustainability Departmental Leads who are responsible for the continual improvement of our sustainability performance

Empower suppliers & employees

  • Asking for the environmental policy of our suppliers and offering them viable offsetting options where appropriate
  • Changing those suppliers who do not show any awareness or commitment to sustainability.
  • Encouraging customers in our sector to opt for sustainable products and services we offer. Spread the sustainable word
  • Promoting customer and employee travel options that minimise their environmental impact. suppliers & employees (Public transport and car sharing schemes and online training and demonstrations)
  • Encouraging employees to walk or cycle to work with safe bike storage
  • Providing a safe and healthy workplace environment for our employees.

Supporting projects

  • Investing in establishing certified carbon offset and biodiversity projects in the UK or Internationally. This will reduce the carbon impact that we are not able to eliminate – especially Scope 3 emissions
  • Investing in biodiversity projects / environmental charities including our own tree planting programme
  • Enabling our employees to become involved in volunteering projects, some of these to focus on biodiversity


Philip Gutteridge BSc MREI

8th June 2023

GMC Net Zero qualifications